Commercial ground transportation

In order to conduct commercial, for profit, services on, to or from Airport premises it is first necessary to obtain an Airport administrated transportation license. This license will grant permission to operate such transportation services on a pre-arranged basis only (unless agreed upon otherwise). The Licensee’s operation shall be carried out, under and in accordance with the terms contained in the license, together with any applicable guidelines and procedures as may be determined by the Ottawa International Airport Authority “the Authority”, subject to modification from time to time.
Operators will be required as part of the license agreement to provide (if applicable) the following:
- completed copy of the Pre-arranged Airport vehicle list – Type of vehicle (sedan, limo, van, mini-bus, coach etc.), Seating capacity (including driver), Make, Model, Year, License Plate #, Issuing Province;
- copy of the Licensee’s City of Ottawa Business License Certificate (or municipality equivalent);
- copy of the City of Ottawa Vehicle License Certificate for each vehicle (or municipality equivalent, or ownership); and
- copy of the Certificate of Insurance with a list of vehicles covered under the policy, (as set out within the license agreement).
Depending on the type of operation and the vehicle being used additional information may be required:
- copy of the Province of Ontario Vehicle Ownership Certificate for each vehicle (not registered at the City of Ottawa);
- copy of the Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) or its Quebec equivalent; and
- copy of the Public Vehicle Operating License under the Public Vehicle Act (PVA) for all vehicles operating outside the City limits.
While conducting pre-arranged pick-ups at the Airport, the Licensee shall obtain from the Authority the applicable AVI transponder tag and ensure it is installed accurately on all appropriate vehicles. Failure to properly install these tags or removing them after installation will cause malfunction and as a result, access to the commercial area will not be available. Primary tags will be provided free of charge. All replacement tags due to neglect, damage or removal will hold a fee of $28.25 per tag.
License fee
Effective September 1st, 2019, licensees are required to have a license agreement in good standing and pay pick-up fees to operate out of the Airport. There is no longer an annual license fee.
Fees for pre-arranged pickups
Sedan limousine | 0 – 5 passengers | $13.50 per pick-up |
Stretch limousine (Ultra Stretch) | 6 + passengers | $19.14 per pick-up |
SUV limousine | 6 + passengers | $19.14 per pick-up |
Vans max. | 9 passengers | $19.14 per pick-up |
Vans max. | 15 passengers | $22.51 per pick-up |
Mini bus | 16 – 34 passengers | $39.39 per pick-up |
Charter/school bus | 35 + passengers | $61.89 per pick-up |
Payments may only be made using the credit card that is stored on the account of AVI System; Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discovery cards are acceptable.
Non-licensed operators
Conducting business infrequently, from out of town or unexpectedly will be permitted for isolated instances. A supplementary fee is required in addition to the standard per pick-up fee. The individual conducting such activity “the driver” shall report to the main commercial access gate and use the intercom to identify the requirement or contact 613-248-4304 prior to arrival. Failure to do so will result in the pick-up being denied and the vehicle being escorted from the premises. Those found to be conducting Airport business more regularly will be required to put a license arrangement in place.
Sedan limousine | 0 – 5 passengers | $19.14 per pick-up |
Stretch limousine (Ultra Stretch) | 6 + passengers | $24.76 per pick-up |
SUV limousine | 6 + passengers | $24.76 per pick-up |
Vans max. | 9 passengers | $24.76 per pick-up |
Vans max. | 15 passengers | $33.76 per pick-up |
Mini bus | 16 – 34 passengers | $50.65 per pick-up |
Charter/school bus | 34 + passengers | $73.16 per pick-up |
Hotel shuttles
Hotels operating a client shuttle service between the Licensee’s facility and the Airport terminal will be required to pay a per pick-up fee of $4.94. This will be billed at the start of each month for services rendered during the previous month.
Government vehicles
Individual transportation services for Government departments/employees are provided on a pre-arranged basis and will be charged an annual license fee of $515.33 in addition to an annual per vehicle charge $2,576.61 to be paid in advance for the first vehicle and $372.15 to be paid in advance for each additionally registered vehicle.
Off-site parking operators
Off-site parking shuttle services between the Licensee’s facility and the Airport passenger terminal building may be conducted by either:
- a per pick-up fee of $9.28, payable at the start of each month for the previous month’s actual activity; or
- an amount equal to 8% of all related gross parking revenue generated from Airport-specific operations.
The Licensee shall provide to the Authority, in the case of gross sales, a semi-annual report subject to verification as specified within the license agreement. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis and reconciled semi-annually if and as necessary. The Authority reserves the right to conduct separate and independent audits of the reported figures as required and at its sole discretion.
Private transportation companies (PTC)
PTCs conducting business at the Airport shall pay $5.09 per pick-up and $3.67 per drop-off to the Authority. The Authority will accept self-provided volume reporting when geo-fence technology, provided by the operator, is available. The Authority reserves the right to implement separate, 3rd party, volume tracking applications if deemed necessary and at the sole discretion of the Authority.
When an operator is unable to provide geo-fence tracking/reporting technology, all pick-ups and or drop-offs must be conducted from within the Airport’s commercial loading zone. Given that a differentiation cannot be easily made between pick-ups and drop-offs, a flat fee of $4.38 will be charged for each.
All listed prices are inclusive of all applicable taxes (HST). Given that the majority of fees associated with Airport operations are charged after the fact or at the end of each month (once services are rendered), the Airport reserves the right to incorporate a security deposit, bank note or other means to reduce exposure or financial risk as and/or when deemed necessary and at the sole discretion of the Authority. License fees or per vehicle fees are paid based on an annual basis. If a vehicle is removed from service or if a contract is terminated prior to the completion of the term no reimbursement will be provided. The Authority assumes no liability for operations that are conducted by 3rd party Licensees and it’s the Licensee’s sole responsibility to ensure that all required municipal, provincial and/or federally regulated commercial transportation requirements are in place and kept up to date. It is also the operator’s sole responsibility to actively maintain all necessary commercial insurance requirements in good standing. Failure by the operator to keep its financial accounts with the Authority in good standing will result in Airport access being revoked and/or suspended. Continued default after notice from the Authority may result in fines and/or trespass notices being issued. Operators are required to follow the direction of Airport officials at all times while on Airport premises. Abuse or failure to follow the direction of Airport officials will be met with zero tolerance and may result in an individual or an organization’s access being removed from the Airport. Licensees and their staff shall conduct themselves accordingly and in compliance with the Authority’s Code of Conduct as may be amended from time to time.