Ottawa International Airport is top in customer service

The Ottawa International Airport was recognized again for its outstanding customer service in the Airport Service Quality Awards in Dubai, UAE yesterday evening.
Airport Service Quality (ASQ), which is administered by Airports Council International (ACI), is a worldwide customer satisfaction program that allows airports to benchmark their customer service offering against other airports. The program currently has over 90 airports enrolled including Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.
Ottawa placed 2nd overall for worldwide airports that serve between 0 and 5 million passengers.
The award is particularly rewarding given that the Airport Authority has made customer service a strategic priority and its efforts are proving to be a success. According to Authority President and CEO, Paul Benoit, “The Ottawa International Airport is in the business of meeting the needs of its customers, so feedback that comes directly from our customers, confirms that we are meeting our objective. It takes a team to achieve success and as such, the Airport Authority shares this recognition with all airport employees.”
Airport Authority Chairman, Jim Durrell, was equally delighted with the award saying “2006 was the Ottawa Airport’s second full year participating in the ASQ program. To achieve continued success is a tremendous vote of confidence for the entire airport community by our customers.”
The Airport Authority has renewed its commitment to the ASQ program for 2007.
OMCIAA operates Ottawa International Airport without government subsidies under a 60-year lease transfer agreement with Transport Canada. The OMCIAA’s mandate is to manage, operate and develop airport facilities and lands in support of the economic growth of the National Capital Region. Its state-of-the-art passenger terminal building opened for business on October 12, 2003, and is being expanded to accommodate growth in passenger volumes.